One of the joys of the internet is the incredible array of free software to deal with just about anything you need to do. Unfortunately this free software often comes with some baggage - additional junk software that gets installed at the same time. Even big name companies try to make a little extra money on the side by hoping you won’t notice the additional adware, trialware and other nonsense that will get installed with the software you actually wanted. Toolbars will be added, your search settings changed and probably your home page will be hijacked as well. At best all this slows your browser down, and at worst it can make
Fortunately, in many cases, you can avoid most of these problems with just a little care and attention during the installation.
Toolbars – where do they come from?
Beware the pre-checked box
Whenever you install new software, there are usually a few windows which pop up where you have to click “OK” or “Next” to continue. That software license that you never bother reading, some option to have an icon on the desktop – that sort of thing. It’s all too easy to be impatient and go click click click until the software is ready to run. Slow down! This is where you need to be vigilant.
Whenever you install new software, there are usually a few windows which pop up where you have to click “OK” or “Next” to continue. That software license that you never bother reading, some option to have an icon on the desktop – that sort of thing. It’s all too easy to be impatient and go click click click until the software is ready to run. Slow down! This is where you need to be vigilant.
One example which catches many people is that Java update which seems to pop up all too often. If you have Java installed then keeping it updated is a good idea, but watch carefully for the ASK toolbar option which will be pre-checked by default:
Those check boxes just need to be un-checked and you can then continue the update without the extra toolbar and a change to your search provider.
When installing any software, keep your eyes open, and don’t stop looking after only one window. Some of the worst examples of this behaviour can offer three or four windows, each trying to install software that you don’t need or want, and those check boxes will always be pre-selected for you. Uncheck them all and eventually you should get only the software you wanted in the first place.
Toolbars – how to get rid of them
But it’s too late, the damage is done!
So now that you know what to do in future, but what if the computer is already infested with unwanted software and toolbars? Fortunately, there is help available from programs specifically designed to clean up the mess. The free JRT (Junkware Removal Tool) can be dowloaded from the author’s website here, and is the simplest to use as it just needs to be run. Alternatively, AdwCleaner gives more control over the process, allowing you to scan and then select each item to remove. AdwCleaner is also free and can be downloaded from the French host site here or from the website.
So now that you know what to do in future, but what if the computer is already infested with unwanted software and toolbars? Fortunately, there is help available from programs specifically designed to clean up the mess. The free JRT (Junkware Removal Tool) can be dowloaded from the author’s website here, and is the simplest to use as it just needs to be run. Alternatively, AdwCleaner gives more control over the process, allowing you to scan and then select each item to remove. AdwCleaner is also free and can be downloaded from the French host site here or from the website.
Prevention is better than cureIf you are the one supporting friends and family, you know they probably won’t be as careful as you when installing software. What is really needed is a way of protecting their computers from being taken over by unwanted software, in spite of what they might download. It’s not an easy thing to do, but one solution available via AdwCleaner gives a way to block the web sites of well known sources of junk software. The idea was developed by French anti-malware site and uses the Windows HOSTS file to prevent access. Windows checks the HOSTS file for URL matches before going to the web, and if it finds a match, goes to the IP address listed in the file. Malekal has compiled a list of domain names of places to avoid, and using this list in the HOSTS file neatly redirects the request back to the computer’s own localhost address,, rather than the actual site.
You can just copy the list into your HOSTS file manually, or there is software on the Malekal site which will do it for you, and keep the list up to date by regularly checking back with the site for the latest list.
A link to this software can be found in the AdwCleaner Tools menu:-
Once installed, future junkware will be blocked and the system should stay free of unexpected toolbars and browser hijacks.
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